
Below is a selection of policy research papers and reports produced
for academic, think tank and government organizations.


Key Considerations for the Responsible Development & Fielding of AI
National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (March 2021)
Key Considerations developed with a lens for adoption by U.S. government departments and agencies critical to national security. However, they are relevant more generally for the design, construction, and use of AI systems.
Privacy & Ethics Recommendations for Computing Applications Developed to Mitigate COVID-19
National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (May 2020)
Co-drafted a white paper on pandemic response and preparedness, co-authored by NSCAI Commissioners Dr. Eric Horvitz, Hon. Mignon Clyburn, Dr. José-Marie Griffiths, and Dr. Jason Matheny.
Projecting Job and Wage Loss Due to Trucking Automation
Keystone Research Center (May 12, 2018)
Forecasts of job loss due to automation vary widely - differing by tens of millions of jobs. This report, commissioned by Keystone Research Center, adds precision to forecasts for the trucking industry. Produced with economists, sociologists and ML experts at Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pennsylvania, it projects geo-based job and wage loss across America. After, it scopes a wage insurance policy solution to cover displaced workers.
Analyzing Algorithmic Bias in Risk Assessment Instruments
Carnegie Mellon University (March 1, 2018)
This project, advised by machine learning academics, critiques a model used to predict recidivism and produces alternative models. Included are classification matrices that assess and report on disparate performance across gender, age, and race.


Beyond AI: Responses to Hate Speech and Disinformation
Carnegie Mellon University (December 15, 2018)
Disinformation and hate speech spread online have led to violence offline - in countries as diverse as India, Myanmar and the US. This research explores common threads across these cases to identify shortcomings of policies employed to date, to propose solutions for content moderation, and to form U/X recommendations for reporting abusive content.
Using Psychological Heuristics to Combat Disinformation
Carnegie Mellon University (November 29, 2018)
Psychological shortcuts can cause people to fall prey to disinformation - or they can be part of the solution. This paper explores prior policies for tackling disinformation and the cognitive biases that have undermined their efficacy. It then outlines content moderation approaches that play off these biases while helping users critically assess content validity.

#Inclusion #EconomicOpportunity

Analyzing ETANF in Pennsylvania: 2012 - 2017
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (December 13, 2018)
This paper shares comparative research, benchmarking and policy recommendations for Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services to enhance economic and education opportunity for its clients. The analysis is segmented to produce demographic- and needs-based insights for better allocating services and targeting interventions.
The Value of Wage Insurance in an Era of Disruptive Economic Change
Carnegie Mellon University (May 11, 2018)
Industry and political leaders alike are calling for solutions to curb unprecedented income inequality in the age of AI - from Universal Basic Income (UBI) to a tax on AI. This essay explores a policy instrument that gets less media coverage despite its merits, including hints of precedent for political feasibility.